Thursday 30 August 2012



Anti-depressant. SSRI - Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitor.

Fewer anti-muscarinic and cardio-toxic effects than tricyclics.

Also indicated in Bulimia Nervosa.


Picture a flying ox. TINA is in the saddle. She is wearing a long scarf bearing the letters 'SSRI'. She is a PROfessional pilot and carries a SACK labelled 'PZ'. Both the animal and Tina are happy and smiling. The animal is labelled No. 20, a reminder that the standard dose is 20mg.

Also picture a man and woman, far below. Both look unhappy. The woman is very thin and is labelled 'BN'. The man is labelled 'D'. Next to them is a large mushroom with a cross through it labelled 'Less AM' and a heart labelled 'Less CT'.